Thursday, February 19, 2009

2001 Ironman

I was a pretty big fan of the '01 DVD. It was neat because there were a couple of cameo's of athletes from the '91 DVD. Mark Allen and Paula Newby-Fraser (who competed in both...which is pretty amazing). The leaps and bounds that were made in technology are pretty spectacular but obviously since we "are from the future," we knew that it would be so. Tim Deboom took this one home which was neat to see as it was an emotionally charged year what with the attacks on the WTC being only a month prior to the race. I'm not going to lie though I was pulling for the cyclist turned Ironman, Steve Larsen. He had a crazy fast bike just dropping people left and right but couldn't bring it home on the run. Win some, lose some. They showed some neat footage of a memorial that was held prior to the World Championship and I thought it was fitting.

This was one of the year's where they focused on the "human interest," stories. There was the story of a marine who lost several members of his unit in a training mission, a nun, etc. etc. It's really inspiring to see the different reasons that people do this race, or any race, and I think that ultimately it helps to keep me motivated!

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