Monday, February 23, 2009

Climb, Climb, Climb

Today I had a 1:00 ride scheduled. Normally this would be a Tues./Thurs. workout but as I mentioned in a previous post I'm shifting around this week's schedule to accomodate our early departure for vacation on Sat. morning. The workout today was to stay between HRZ 2-4 while doing some long climbs (I did 2" on the short end and 8" on the long). Since the weather outside is frightful I can't actually get out and climb so I simulate this by shifting gears on the trainer. I definitely felt like I was climbing when I got out of the small chainring, so it was worth it. It's always good to walk away from a workout feeling like you accomplished something!

Today I added a couple more events to the schedule. Gwen and I will be doing a 10K together in Saugatuck. It's the Town Crier 10K and from everything we've heard it's a really fun event so we're looking forward to it. This is 2 days after Gwen's capstone for nursing school is due so we're going to use it as a celebration run! I also registered for the Fisk Knob Time Trail which I'm really, really, really excited for. I'm going to try to add in a couple of TT's throughout the rest of the year depending on where they fall in regard to the rest of my race schedule. However, if I'm not able to do them this year then hopefully next year I'll be able to focus a little on the cycling. At any rate it'll be a fun couple of weeks for sure. If anyone is interested in either of these events the websites are:

Fisk Knob TT-
Saugatuck Town Crier 10K, 5K, Kids' Dash-

Finally, the Martian Marathon will be a go. It took me a minute or two to decide but I think that it's going to be a great indicator of fitness, a chance to work on nutrition, and a challenge for my mental toughness. I feel like I am fit enough for this so we'll take a shot! Wish me luck...

1 comment:

  1. I have been on my bike trainer since SEPTEMBER and am ready to get outside again! great workout !
